Self Help Group 2017 onwards

Tharparkar District remain in the limelight because of emerging issues of health and nutrition, the women have no livelihood opportunities in the areas. Strengthening Self Help Group project has been improving socio-economic prominence of rural women through self-help groups, small business plans, smart agriculture technique, health & hygiene sessions and WASH components. Women started small businesses, enhanced management skills of SHG management group. Families have been increasing income through the Donkey Cart assistance.

Health sessions among communities have raised hygiene awareness about washing hand before having meals, number of peoples are using of pit latrines. Many families are aware to keep drinking water in safe place and drinking clean water.

Women are now aware about the importance of breast feeding, taking special care of personal hygiene before feeding  child and also aware about proper immunization, taking vaccination from nearby health centers or from health visitors for their children of under 5 year age and for pregnant women.

Beneficiaries are thankful and giving good wishes to LAMP Pakistan

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