Self Help Approach Women

Include in : Improving socio-economic prominence of rural women through self-help groups, small business plans, smart agriculture technique, health & hygiene sessions and WASH components. Sustainable solutions to be promoted among rural women, they need to be organized in self-help groups for taking self-help Initiatives at their living places. They also need guidance to avail livelihood opportunities which already exist in the area such as...

Capacity Building Program (Skills trainings)

LAMP–Pakistan is targeting school dropouts who have no source of livelihood and no access to basic facilities of living better life. LAMP-Pakistan has been focusing and providing them trainings, in kind support and tools in order to be skilled, uplifting and encouraging to learn technical skills and contribute in family living. We are also providing them enormous opportunities, getting them uplifted and developing themselves for improvement...

WASH- Improving living standards

LAMP’ WASH is addressing community led total sanitation issues and minimizing spread of diseases, providing water within villages, awareness on health and hygiene practices helping communities to practice hand washing, personal hygiene, environmental and domestic hygiene, which is all about behavior change approach. Communities of different districts of Sindh including Tharparkar have beenfacilitating through installation of hand pumps,...

Integrated Community Development Program

LAMP; Integrated community development program is an integrated approach towards strengthening communities, child primary education and integrated model themes such as environment, livelihood, WASH and women empowerment are the prime components of the program.Communities schools are operational in different districts of Sindh province, hundreds of children are getting primary education in child friendly environment under supervision of local...

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