Recent News

Water facilities for 5000 families in Jamshoro sindh with support of Disaster Emergency Committee in partnership with Tearfund UK, Mr. Jonathan Johnson (CD TEARFUND UK) inaugurated in March, he also had interaction with communities regarding Rehabilitation intervention by LAMP Pakistan Environment & Climate Change Tearfund Australia, LAMP Pakistan WATER FACILITIES FOR 30 VILLAGES IN SINDH, (Solar Operated water pumps, along with Water...

Program Videos

Documentary-of-Feeding-Program LAMP PAKISTAN Team is supported 200 families by providing them food packages, the project has been started in October 2017 and now it is in process selected different districts like Sandhar, Matli, Mirpurkhas, TandoAllahyar, Tando jam, Jamshoro and Hyderabad.

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Pakistan floods: Will you help rebuild homes for Christians? Six months ago “Karam” was happy and hopeful. His cotton and rice crops were doing well and he expected a good harvest. Even as a Christian, despised by society and often discriminated against, Karam could look forward to earning enough money to support his family. Then came the disastrously heavy monsoon rains which flooded southern Pakistan in July and August 2022. For ten weeks...

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Recap 2021- LAMP

LAMP was founded in 2007 as a community development organization, providing trainings and capacity building to the poorest of the poor in Sindh. We have significant expertise and experience in disaster relief and rehabilitation, particularly following the 2010 floods. In addition, we have developed a holistic, low cost approach to sustainable community development on a self-help basis, called the Integrated Community Development Programme...

Emergency Preparedness, Mitigation and Response

LAMP promotes Disaster Risk Reduction Techniques within local resources. Pakistan is vulnerable to disaster risks therefore LAMP Pakistan conducts relief work where it is needed, our emergency response is based on the needs of the affected population through a framework of saving lives, protecting & supporting livelihoods and strengthening local communities through capacity building programs.

About Us

Lead Against Marginality and Poverty (“LAMP” registered under societies act 1860 in 2007-08) is a non-governmental relief and development organization, which works to build the capacity of local communities to help them out of poverty and to reduce the risk of disasters. LAMP’s vision is for a Pakistani society in which all members have equal access to improved lifestyle and livelihood opportunities, with a particular focus on poor and...

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